Research Commentary

When there is no knowledge, the publishers and journals stop

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Han Woo PARK, ROSA Journal Editor in Chief | Yeungnam University SOUTH KOREA (

The ROSA Journal focuses on three primary areas: (1) the examination of blockchain and Web3 research within societal contexts; (2) the application of quantitative methodologies in the fields of the humanities and social sciences; and (3) the provision of research-driven reviews of current social, political, and economic issues. We support the promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration between individuals from the natural sciences and the social sciences in order to produce a body of scientific knowledge that exceeds the capacity of a conventional academic journal.

KEY WORDS: The ROSA Journal, blockchain, Web3, academic publishing

1. Introduction

The well-known adage "publish or perish" is undergoing a transition within the realm of academia and is currently being replaced by the concept of "collaborate or fall behind." (Park, 2020). This shift highlights the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders, such as publishers, editors, authors, reviewers, and readers, who can all receive due recognition for their involvement in this emerging paradigm. Specifically, this shift calls attention to the importance of collaboration among various stakeholders. This new strategy aims to ensure that the academic community is fair and welcoming to all members of the community. In order to adapt to the changing climate of academic publication, we propose the establishment of a decentralized framework for editorial, production, and readership functions.

2. Blockchain-based innovation in academic publishing

This innovative strategy’s primary purpose is to promote inclusiveness and diversity in academic settings; it is with this end in mind that it was conceived. It proposes the use of a blockchain-based Web3 system to improve the efficiency of the submission, review, publication, and distribution processes, with the ultimate goal of developing a journal platform that is distinctive and interesting. According to Park and Ozel (2019), although blockchain has the potential to disrupt the entire technology innovation system, it remains unfamiliar to the majority of individuals. Moreover, the scarcity of theoretical frameworks to comprehensively encompass the numerous potential applications of blockchain technology exacerbates the situation. With this perspective in mind, our aim is to establish a genuine platform for deliberating on the prospective advantages, disadvantages, and risks presented by this nascent technology within the academic sphere.

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the world and has altered it in a variety of ways (Park & Chung, 2020). Therefore, the action that we are about to take is an important step that will ultimately result in significant moves in the academic world. These shifts are the result of a variety of factors, including a modification to the process by which new knowledge is produced and shared, an adjustment to the way academics communicate with one another, and an alignment of publishing practices with the research community. Furthermore, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) represent an alternative choice. Even though it is right to state that the ongoing endeavor is still in its early stages, there is a possibility that it will develop into a truly remarkable entity in the future.

3. ROSA Journal

The ROSA Journal’s primary focus is on the following topics: (1) comprehensive exploration of blockchain and Web3 research encompassing social, technical, and economic investigations; (2) application of quantitative methodologies in the realm of humanities and social sciences, such as data analysis, social networks, and statistical hypothesis testing; and (3) provision of research-driven analysis and interpretation on current social, political, and economic issues. Nevertheless, we applaud any efforts that are being made with the goal of promoting collaboration between the fields of social sciences and hard sciences, particularly those that fall under the umbrella of STEM fields. Our goals extend far beyond those that can be accommodated by a traditional academic publication (Park, 2017).

4. Conclusion

Finally, The ROSA Journal will work with relevant parties, such as open access journals (Jung & Novikova, 2020) and open citation projects (Peroni & Shotton, 2018), and potential authors to develop exemplary publishing that is focused on the needs of its readers. When the music stops, , the saying goes, so do the musicians. Bens makes the remark “musicians don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them” in the 2015 film The Intern, starring Robert De Niro (Ben) and Anne Hathaway (Jules). Similarly, where there is knowledge, the journals and publishers stop. I value your diligence in submitting and reviewing manuscripts, as it informs my decision and facilitates the wide dissemination of the authors’ work.


  • Jung, Y., & Novikova, N (2020). Editor’s Note: Open Access and the Acceptance of the JCEA to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 19 (1), 1-7.
  • Park, H.W. & Ozel, B. (2019). The Rise of Blockchain Technology: Overcoming Theoretical Poverty and Its Implications for Developing Countries. Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia. 18(2), 1-8. Scopus-indexed.
  • Park, H.W. (2017). Another interdisciplinary transformation: Beyond an area-studies journal. Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia. 16(2), 1-2.
  • Park, H.W. (2020). A new era of Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology – Collaborate or Fall Behind. Quality & Quantity. 54(1), 1-2.
  • Park, H.W., & Chung, S. W. (2020). Response to Friedman’s “The World Before Corona and the World After": A Perspective Raging From the Development of Civilization to the Harmony of East and West, and the Paradigm Shift, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 19(2), 169-178.
  • Peroni, S., & Shotton, D. (2018). Open Citation: Definition. Figshare. DOI: